Pls take minute to recollect incidences when you had said “hey it actually worked the way I wanted” “I got what I want”. Recollect all such experiences when your small or big wishes, desires came true. Does this happen all the time? You may say ‘No, not all the time but yes sometimes”…and what if I say “it can happen all the time…you have got power to make all your wishes, desires, dreams come true! You have power to manifest perfect career, good health, money, material wealth, good relationships etc etc”……feeling skeptical about it???...well let me explain, “Yes it is possible, you just need to know how to make the law of attraction work for you. ‘Like attract likes’, ‘what you sow you reap’, ‘Thoughts become things’, ‘You become what you think’ all these phrases talk about law of attraction. Law of attraction means we always attract what we want. When we set i...