Religion divides and humanity or spirituality unites. Recently released Hindi movies 'Oh my God' and 'PK', Marathi movie 'Deul' presented this concept through beautiful stories. Marathi movie showcasing life of great social worker 'prakash baba amate' has one scene where he says that mi “tula manat nahi re tuzyamule loka ekmekanchya jivavar uthatat ani ekmekanpasun duravatat”.
These movies and some of bestselling books of new age spiritual leaders remind me of teachers who give helpless look to their students struggling to solve complicated mathematics or accounts problem and say "hey you need to get back to your basics. Tell me what a basic rule is!”
In 21st century we all are fighting among ourselves to prove our version of God or method of worshiping superior over other. There is race among different religions; within the religions there is race among castes or sub castes to prove how their path is correct; even within a caste there are differences among families and everyone tries to prove how rituals or customs followed by them are the perfect.
We all need break and we all need to go back to basics.
So just for a while let's keep aside our ego and religious philosophies and go back to an era where human race has just evolved on Earth planet. What did our great ancestors do?
Everything was new and there was lot to explore. Intuitions or inner wisdom was guide and experience was teacher. They hunt for food, learnt which plants are edible which are not; developed art of farming; learnt about climate; learnt properties of natural elements water, air, fire; developed cooking methods; learnt to build shelters; leant that some animals can be reared and can be of domestic help; learnt to protect themselves from wild animals etc. Human race was evolving at different part of the world. Their lives were completely aligned with nature. Food habits, clothing, shelter, daily routine or activities were purely based on the demands of geographic and climatic conditions.
At that time they all were just human beings. Co-operation, curiosity and alignment with nature were key to their progress.
At that time they all had acute understanding of life, had unwavering faith in God. For them God meant one supreme power or creator of this universe. They knew that they are originally souls now experiencing physical bodies and exploring physical world on Earth. They knew that this opportunity is a gift from God. This opportunity to experience life is the opportunity for their souls to grow or evolve. That’s why everyday was a celebration, celebration of their existence, for getting this opportunity, to experience glory of creator.
Languages, numbers, all forms of art, technology and sports got developed later. Rather we classified our understanding about environment around us as science, mathematics, geometry, history, arts etc etc.
Religions, caste, sub castes, rituals were developed later. Pls remember all saints or God ot Goddesses that we worship now had existed on earth 1000 of years a go. They reached highest level of spiritual development and was successful in decoding science or secrets of universe.
They never claimed themselves to be Hindu Muslim Christian Jews...these were just spiritual leaders and then followers labelled it as a particular religion. It was not leaders or God or saints who competed or felt need to prove their superiority over others...but their Followers felt it...!!!
All these leaders were just guiding humanity to right path. Their teachings neither got passed on to subsequent generation in right way nor interpreted in correct way.
So before we fight over rituals, traditions, religion we need to get back to our basics...and it is very simple....before we condemn other person based on his cast culture ...go back few thousands year a could happen your and other person's great great ancestors living happily together hunting food and learning about life.
We all have same roots. :)
Something to seriously ponder about! Insightful. . . . .
ReplyDeleteSomething to seriously ponder about! Insightful. . . . .