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Showing posts from November, 2017

My experiences with Angel Numbers

Universe and angels has unique and creative ways to communicate with us. If we are alert and aware we can read these signs. Angel numbers are a common way for angels to communicate with us. Every number or number sequence has meaning and brings some message to us. Common message is to let you know that they are with you, just to make their presence known to you. My experience with angel numbers began in the year 2012, when I started to acknowledge that I have something more to do and experience in life other than this full time job. At that time I used to see 10:10 everywhere. My desk clock timing, emails received or sent timing, unread messages or emails, car numbers etc. Even the lifts! I always got to see two adjacent lifts at 10 th  floor. It used to bring broad smile on my face. It was an awesome feeling. I used to be in awe with Universe. It was taking all possible efforts and using creative ways to communicate with me. Number 1010 is about awakening, universe...

Access Consciousness Bars Class - My experience

All Life Comes to Me With Ease Joy and Glory ! First time I heard about Access Bars in the year 2014 through one of my friend and co-healer. I heard about it from 2-3 people but for them it was just another healing modality. They gave me only one liner. - There are points in our head we need to press them to release negative energy . By that time I had experienced that no matter how beautiful the modality is some healers and teachers either lacks maturity to understand the depth of the subject and simply fail to do justice to it. I believe in all modalities, success depends on teacher how well they teach and students or followers how well they implement it. Later in the year 2016 Ashwini did Access Bars class from Purva. She immediately shared her experience with us, Shubhada was extremely excited to learn. As usual she did her all own research and all details were at her fingertips. One day she said “Charuta, I am going to do the class and I feel intensely that if ...